✔️General conditions of sale

Here they are, here they are, the famous General Conditions of Sale (CGV)… We are not going to hide it, reading them is not necessarily a pleasure. So to make your life easier, we have summarized them for you!

Here is everything you need to know about Monsieur BARBIER's T&Cs, in a few key points:

  • Subscriptions are sent between the fifth (5th) and the fifteenth (15th) of each month by green letter. Their receipt is estimated between the fifteenth (15th) and twenty-fifth (25th) of each month.
  • Our subscriptions can be created, modified, paused or even canceled at any time. The request will be made within twenty-four (24) hours.
  • Payment for Subscriptions will be made by automatic debit, on the day of registration, then on the fifth (5th) or fifteenth (15th) of the month corresponding to the next debit for your Subscriptions.
  • Have you received a defective product, the wrong product or simply wish to exercise your right of withdrawal (see Article 4.1)? No problem ! You have thirty (30) days to return the product(s) to us. The refund will take place within a period of less than or equal to thirty (30) days after receipt of the product.
  • To notify us of a delivery delay, ask us for help or additional information, you can contact us at the following address: justine@monsieurbarbier.com .

However, if you want to read the more detailed version, it's just below!

Article 1: The company

Monsieur Barbier SAS is a Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS) with capital of 62,500 euros registered under number 797 460 235 RCS PARIS, whose head office is located at 10 rue du Colisée, 75008 Paris, FRANCE, (hereinafter “ the society"). It offers on its site www.monsieurbarbier.com (hereinafter the “Site”) the sale and periodic delivery by subscription (hereinafter the “Subscriptions”) of razors and everyday consumer products (hereinafter the “Products”). ").

Article 2: Scope of application

2.1 Purpose of the General Terms and Conditions

These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter “CGV”) apply exclusively to all orders for Products and/or Subscriptions taken out by all customers established in mainland France (excluding Overseas Departments/Territories) from the Company on the Site for invoicing and deliveries in France (excluding Overseas Departments/Territories).

2.2 Scope of application of the General Conditions of Sale

Any order placed on the Site implies full acceptance by the customer, without exclusions or reservations, of these General Terms and Conditions. These will prevail over any contrary stipulation which may appear in the general conditions of purchase, or any other document which may emanate from the customer. However, in the event of a duly signed agreement between the customer and the Company, any clause of this agreement which proves to be contrary to a clause of these General Conditions of Sale will automatically prevail over said clause of the General Conditions of Sale.

2.3 Availability and enforceability of the General Conditions of Sale

The General Terms and Conditions are made directly available to consumers on the seller's website. The General Conditions of Sale are enforceable against the consumer who acknowledges, by checking a box provided for this purpose, having been aware of them and having accepted them before placing an order. Validation of the order by its confirmation constitutes acceptance by the buyer of the General Terms and Conditions in force on the day of the order, the conservation and reproduction of which are ensured by the professional seller in accordance with article 1127-2 of the civil code (former C. civil., art. 1369-4).

2.4 Modification of the General Conditions of Sale

These General Terms and Conditions were updated on June 15, 2020, cancel and replace those previously published. They are permanently accessible at the following address: https://www.monsieurbarbier.com/cgv. They may be modified at any time by the Company, without notice, it being understood that such modifications will not apply to orders which have been previously accepted by the Company.

2.5 Clauses of the General Conditions of Sale

The nullity of a contractual clause does not result in the nullity of the General Terms and Conditions. The temporary or permanent non-application of one or more clauses of the T&Cs by the professional seller cannot constitute a waiver on his part of the other clauses of the T&Cs which continue to have their effects.

Article 3: Orders / Subscriptions and modifications

3.1 Characteristics

Orders for Products and subscriptions are made on the Site by completing the order form. In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code on the conclusion of online contracts, the contract is concluded when the customer clicks on the button to confirm the order, after having viewed the details of the order and in particular its price, and having had the possibility of correcting any errors. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the customer by return to the e-mail address provided in the order form, including the contractual information.

3.2 Subscription

Each subscription to a Subscription is valid for one person and is subscribed in their own name and for a single delivery address. Their name must appear on the bank card used for payment. The customer can subscribe to several Subscriptions for the same period, regardless of the delivery address.

3.3 Stock availability

The order may be accepted while stocks last. In the event of unavailability of the Products, the Company will inform the customer who may, in application of the provisions of article L 121.20.3 of the Consumer Code, either request to be reimbursed the price paid, if applicable, or be delivered a product or service of equivalent quality and price, while stocks last. Permanent or temporary unavailability cannot in any way engage the liability of the Company, nor can it give rise to any right to compensation or damages in favor of the customer.

br 3.4 The customer may modify their Subscription at any time by completing a Subscription modification form online on the Site. The modification of your Subscription will take place within twenty-four (24) hours, subject to making the modification request with forty-eight (48) hours' notice before the Subscription renewal date. Otherwise, the Subscription modification will take place at the end of the following month.

3.4 Change of address

In the event of a change in the delivery address, it is the customer's responsibility to inform the Company by completing the change of delivery address form on the Site. The request to change the delivery address must be made ten (10) days before the scheduled date for the next shipment. Otherwise, the modification will be effective from the following month.

3.6 Archiving

Orders are made in French. The language proposed for the conclusion of contracts is French. Contracts concluded on our website (data relating to customer orders and General Terms and Conditions in force on the day of the order) are archived for a period of 10 years. The customer can access archived contracts by requesting it by email or postal mail.

Article 4: Withdrawal

4.1 Right of withdrawal

In accordance with current legislation, the customer has a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the product to cancel it and be reimbursed. If the 14-day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or non-working day, it is extended until the first following working day. The customer does not have to provide a reason to exercise his right of withdrawal. He will not suffer any penalty. In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, the customer must return the product to the Company of Monsieur BARBIER, 68 Impasse du Mas Confort, 30900 Nîmes, France .

4.2 Reimbursement

Refunds will be made within thirty (30) days or less of receipt of the request. Reimbursement will be made by credit to the customer's bank account.

Article 5: Duration and end of the contract

5.1 Duration of the contract

Subscriptions are taken out by customers for a period of one (1), two (2) or three (3) months from the date of validation of the transaction, renewable by tacit agreement.

5.2 End of contract

The customer may end their Subscription at any time by completing the online unsubscribe form on the Site. Termination will take place at the end of the current Subscription month, subject to unsubscribing with forty-eight (48) hours' notice before the Subscription renewal date. Otherwise, termination will occur at the end of the following month.

5.3 Suspension or termination

The Company may suspend or terminate the Subscription at any time in the event of non-compliance by the customer with its payment obligations and/or any other obligation towards the Company. Termination will take place immediately upon notification by the Company and will not give rise to any reimbursement, including reimbursement of sums taken valid for a period subsequent to the date of termination.

Article 6: Prices and payment terms

6.1 Sales price

The current prices of the Products and the various Subscription offers are those displayed on the Site on the day the order is accepted by the Company, the Company reserving the right to modify them at any time. They are indicated in euros, all taxes and contribution to processing and shipping costs included in mainland France (excluding Overseas Departments/Territories). All orders are payable in euros.

6.2 Promotional code

For any first Subscription taken out with a promo code offering a reduction of fifty (50) percent, the customer will benefit from a reduction of fifty (50) percent on the first month of subscription. This offer is valid for each customer on a personal basis. This offer can only be valid once per customer and per delivery address. It will not apply in the event of resubscription following the termination of a Subscription, by the customer or the Company, for any reason whatsoever.

6.3 Payments

Payments for Products and Subscriptions are made exclusively online and by credit card via a secure payment server. The bank card used for payment must bear the name of the person subscribing to the subscription. Payment for Subscriptions is made by automatic payment (direct debit) by bank card each month, with payment occurring on the day of the Subscription renewal date corresponding to the anniversary date of the subscription date. It is up to the customer whose bank card validity period has expired to contact customer service and provide valid bank card details. To do this, he can connect to www.monsieurbarbier.com

6.4 Failure to pay

Any failure to pay will result in the automatic suspension of the Subscription by the Company until payment of the sums due, the Company reserving the right to terminate the Subscription at any time in accordance with the terms defined in these General Terms and Conditions.

6.5 Unpaid invoice

Any invoice not paid on the due date will be increased by interest at a rate of three times that of the legal interest deducted per month of delay until the day of final payment. Will also be added to the initial amount due, a lump sum compensation of 10% of the amount including tax of the invoice, as a penalty clause, without prejudice to the costs and fees which could be incurred for the recovery of the debt. These interests and penalties will be automatically payable from the day following the payment date shown on the invoice, upon simple request from the Company, without prejudice to any other action that it may be entitled to take in this respect. against the customer.

In the event of non-payment of an overdue invoice or change in the financial and/or legal situation of the customer which could threaten the recovery of his debt, all of the Company's debts towards the customer will become immediately due, including those which are not due, whatever the agreed method of payment and without the need for formal notice.

Article 7: Customer obligations

The customer declares to be at least eighteen (18) years old and to have the legal capacity or to hold parental authorization allowing him to place an order on the Site.

The customer undertakes to provide accurate and personal information, including his/her last name, first name, address, telephone number, banking information and valid email. He cannot take out a Subscription on behalf of a third party.

The customer is responsible for the consequences resulting from false or inaccurate information transmitted or the resumption of which would be unlawful.

Article 8: Deliveries – Product returns

Delivery can only take place if the customer is up to date with his payment obligations or any other obligation towards the Company. Customer orders will be delivered within two (2) working days from validation of the order by the Company for single purchases, seven (7) working days from validation of the direct debit for subscriptions. The Company cannot under any circumstances guarantee that the services offered will not be interrupted.

The customer is required to check the condition of the Products upon delivery. Reservations or complaints about apparent defects or non-conformity of the Product, accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, must be made by the customer, in written reason and sent to the Company within a maximum period of thirty (30) days following the date delivery of the Products. Failing this, the Products delivered will be irrevocably deemed to conform to the order and free from any apparent defect. Return costs are the responsibility of the customer, except in the event of liability of the Company for the delivery of a damaged or non-compliant product.

Article 9: Liability – Guarantee

9.1. Responsibility

The customer is expressly informed that the Company is not the manufacturer of the Products, within the meaning of Law L98-389 of May 19, 1998 relating to liability for defective products. Also, in the event of damage caused to a person or property by a defect in the Product, only the liability of the manufacturer of said product can be sought.

9.2 Warranty

In cases where the Company's liability is demonstrated, it would be limited either to the obligation to replace the products, or to reimbursement of all or part of their value, to the exclusion of any compensation or damages. If the order consists of several deliveries, the defect affecting one delivery does not modify the reciprocal commitments regarding other deliveries.

Article 10: Resolution - Suspension

The Company reserves the right to resolve or suspend the sale, immediately and automatically and without compensation, totally or partially, or to require guarantees, in the event of any change in the financial and/or legal situation of the customer which may threaten the recovery of its debt, in the event of a violation of applicable legislation and/or in the event of force majeure, events likely to stop or reduce the manufacturing, transport, delivery of the Products or prevent the normal execution of the sale. War, mobilization, strikes, machine breakdowns, fires and other accidents which prevent or reduce manufacturing are considered cases of force majeure.

Article 11 - Intellectual property

Monsieur BARBIER is a registered trademark, property of the Company. Subscribing to a Subscription or purchasing a Product does not in any way give the customer the right to use the brands and intellectual property elements used on the Site.

All elements of the Site, whether visual or audio, texts, layouts, illustrations, photographs, documents and other elements, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks and patents. Any total or partial reproduction of the elements accessible on the Site is strictly prohibited.

Article 12: Applicable law - Disputes

For all disputes or disputes to which these General Terms and Conditions could give rise, exclusive jurisdiction is attributed to the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal. These General Terms and Conditions are subject to French law.

ARTICLE 13: Reservation of ownership clause